6th Street Complete Streets Project
This project was requested by Haines City through the use of federal transportation enhancement funds and PGA served as lead design engineer through our Districtwide Scenic Enhancements contract with FDOT District One. The project proposed to add an 8’ sidewalk, lighting, and landscaping, while maintaining the existing on-street parking through this 3-block section near the historic area of Downtown Haines City. The project was also located near the City’s newly-improved Lake Eva Park. It’s considered a “Complete Streets” project whereby vehicles, pedestrians, bicyclists, as well as park visitors are accommodated within the roadway corridor.
During design, a significant flooding issue was identified by the City and a flooding investigation and design was incorporated into the project. The project encountered significant right-of-way constraints, utility conflicts, and coordination issues with the City. Ultimately, PGA was successful in navigating the project through design and construction.