Manatee Trailways Master Plan
PGA led development of the Manatee County Trailways Master Plan with the goals of developing a connected countywide system of trails that enhances the quality of life for its residents, promotes a unique sense of place, and enhances economic investment. To help achieve those goals, PGA prepared a baseline report that documents the County existing and committed trail network, outlines successful practices and policies, and establishes performance measures that will guide the development of this performance-based and data-driven planning process. PGA led a countywide public workshop that informed citizens of the Plan purpose and goals and solicited important feedback on opportunities and constraints that will feed directly into the development and evaluation of the proposed trailways network. Other key master plan components led by our planning staff included prioritizing candidate trail facilities based on established measures, developing a Trailways Pattern Book that illustrates design standards for a variety of trail features and amenities, and preparing an implementation plan that identifies potential funding sources and establishes a framework for future trail system maintenance.